Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Good News!

Tuesday was a spectacular day, wasn't it?

One thing that made it so awesome is that my boob surgeon called in the afternoon to tell me that the mass they took from my rightie was a benign tumor - it's something called a fibroadenoma. There is actually a page on Wikipedia for this if you're interested...

This is a relief. I really didn't think I had the big "C" but it is still worrisome.

Also, Tuesday marked quite a significant day in American history - the election where Barack Obama became President Elect.

I know I talked in July about not voting, that I am a "political atheist" and that all politicians are full of crap, yada yada yada. But, I actually did vote in this election. Monday morning, before my surgery, I went through the online voters pamphlet and read through everything and made decisions on what vote for or against. Really, I was most passionate about voting on Initiative 1000, but figured, while I'm here why not cast a vote on everything? Plus, I wasn't allowed to eat prior to surgery so I needed something to keep me busy and keep my mind off food.

I timed my visit to the Sallal Grange (my voting location) after lunch but before the afterwork hours. I didn't have to wait in line at all. I had my voters registration card with me to guide me in the right direction, albeit for some stupid reason I never got the voter registration updated from my maiden name, so I voted as Janet Hoke. Whatever - I just can't figure out how the name change isn't naturally carried over since the County has my marriage license, my name change form on file, they also my driver's license was updated with my new name, and when I moved I contacted the WDSL to change my address and at that very same time, updated my voter registration address. But no, do they think to update the name?? Pure incompetence.

Today I drove the hybrid to MLT and paid my dues to the healthcare market research gods. My fuel economy wasn't so hot (a mere 41.3 mpg round trip). Reason why though is that on Wednesday, I stop at the Seattle Humane Society in Eastgate to perform my weekly duty of Shelter Check Volunteer for SPDR.

Basically, I go into the shelter every Wednesday after work with a clipboard and spreadsheet and I record all of the purebred dogs they have (breed, color, age, name, etc.) and report my findings back to a gal at SPDR who puts all the shelter-checks together. Then, the breed reps of any particular breed that may be in the shelter is contacted and then, perhaps, that breed rep will spring that dog out of that shelter and get it into a foster home or adopted through SPDR.

You should check the place out if you're looking for a new companion (they have kittens too). I advise visiting after work on Wednesday evening - they close at 7 and there seems to be a lot of surrenders on Mondays and Tuesdays. If you wait until the weekend, all the super cute ones that aren't on the BSL-lists are gone. It's sad to say that but that is how it goes in animal shelters.


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